
Assistência Técnica - Avenças

Assistência Técnica - Avenças

por consulta

Availability: Available (3-7days)
Reference: AVX

Monthly Contracts

Time packages and subscriptions allow you, in a more flexible way, to reduce the costs of support and maintenance services and, at the same time, to have a personalized assistance service. There is the option of prepaid packages with a validity period of 1 year that cannot be combined.

 Remote and local assistance
24/7 monitoring of your computer system
Response time tailored to your needs
No limit on interventions
Backup Management
Security Solutions
Prevention procedures

The value of the fees depends on the number of machines and servers and the number of monthly visits. Time packages and subscriptions can be used by appointment to meet specific needs, preventive maintenance or even to resolve emergencies. The trips indicated are in the Municipality of Lisbon.